Ministers Highlight Road Safety as Students Head Back to School

  • Digital Government and Service NL
  • Education
  • Transportation and Infrastructure

August 28, 2024

As schools reopen in the coming days, and traffic increases on local roadways, the Provincial Government is urging motorists to pay special attention to road safety, especially in school zones.

Back to school season is a good time for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians to reacquaint themselves with the road safety practices and the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act, including:

  • Obey the posted speed limit in school zones and yield to pedestrians at crosswalks.
  • Never pass a stopped school bus.
  • Obey visual bus signals, such as the activated stop arm and flashing red or amber lights.
  • Maintain one metre of open space between your vehicle, and a bicycle or pedestrian. If the speed limit is more than 60 kilometres per hour, increase this space to 1.5 metres.
  • Remember that distracted driving is illegal and poses a serious safety risk.
  • Cyclists are required to use bicycle paths or lanes where provided, instead of using the roadway. They are also required, by law, to wear a helmet.
  • Pedestrians are encouraged to put away electronic devices and cellphones, and remove ear buds, so they can easily hear and see approaching traffic.

The public is also reminded that school buses are held to an extremely high standard of mechanical fitness and are subject to rigorous inspection requirements. All school buses are currently undergoing their annual mandatory inspections by Highway Enforcement Officers from the Department of Digital Government and Service NL and a minimum of 30 per cent of each contractor’s buses will be inspected again in January.

The most recent inspections completed between January 1 and June 30, 2024, show that the industry is maintaining this high safety standard.

“Sharing the road also means sharing responsibility for road safety. As students head back to school, our streets get busier with vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian traffic and I urge everyone to take extra care when travelling on our roadways. Slow down in school zones, watch out for pedestrians and cyclists and respect school bus signals so we can all get where we need to go safely.”
Honourable Elvis Loveless
Minister of Digital Government and Service NL

“Back to school season is fast approaching as students head back to class and families return to their daily routines, and it can be an exciting time for our newest students heading to school for the first time. At this time of year, it is important that everyone remain mindful and vigilant of students boarding and exiting school buses, using crosswalks and walking to school in their communities. Take extra time to remain extra alert when traveling in school zones to keep everyone safe this school year.”
Honourable Krista Lynn Howell
Minister of Education

“Transporting students to and from school is a responsibility our government takes very seriously. As the new school year approaches, it is important that we all exercise caution on our roadways and be cognizant of students boarding and exiting school buses. Let’s all do our part to help ensure the safety of students, as they begin a new year of learning.”
Honourable Fred Hutton

Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure
Minister of Rural Economic Development


Les ministres soulignent l’importance de la sécurité routière en cette période de rentrée scolaire

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